Due Date - 3/31,4/1 (No fooling, assignment is really due on April 1st!)
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. What were the goals of the Sandinista Revolution of 1979? (To refresh your memory, review your writing and reading, "Imagine You were a Nicaraguan.")
2. What were are the challenges facing the Sandinista leaders? In your answer, consider their efforts to meet the needs of the vast majority that supported the revolution.
3. Compare and contrast the decisions made in your class to the decisions made by the real Sandinistas. Please note that you will not be able to complete this question until you get the handout with the actual decisions. You will get this on Monday.
In addition to the evaluation questions, you will be turning in:
1. Response to "Imagine You Were a Nicaraguan."
2. Your preparation for the simulation (solutions to the dilemma).
3. Your notes from the simulation (record of decisions).
4. Evaluation questions.