Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Using the teacher comments, the scoring guide, and the "Tips on Revising Persuasive Essay" rewrite one body paragraph from your essay on immigration.  Select a body  paragraph that requires the most revisions. You will get no additional credit if  you rewrite the introduction or the conclusion.

The paragraph must be typed and turned in with your original essay and scoring guide. The revision is worth 10 poinst which will be added to your original essay score.  You will not be given partial credit for this rewrite.



1.  Must state a clear point of view that can be supported.  A factual statement is not a thesis.
2.  Identification of the arguments you will be presenting (foreshadowing of arguments)
3.  No “I” statements or other personal pronouns


1.  Topic sentence should be the first sentence of paragraph
2.  Topic sentence must do two things: 
      *   Clearly connect to thesis
      *   Accurately represent what the paragraph (argument) is all about
3. Generalizations must be supported by fact based evidence.  A common problem was that there was not enough evidence. 
4.  Be sure your analysis (explanation of the importance of your evidence in supporting your argument) relates to the evidence presented in the paragraph
5.  Be sure you have analysis.  You know you don’t if you have just described something and not explained its importance. 
6.  Too often the paragraph strays from the topic sentence which must give the paragraph focus.  This makes it hard to figure out what you are trying to say and calls into questions the overall thesis.


1.  Correct fragmented, run-on and confusing sentence structure. 
2.  Avoid repetition.
3.  Use transitions between sentences to improve the flow of the essay.  (However, In addition, Also, On the other hand, Furthermore, More importantly, This results in)
4.  Embed quotes so they flow within the paragraph.  This relates to transitions.  Avoid "in this quote" or "I chose this quote because"
4.  Be careful about word choice.  Avoid slang and informal language.
5.  Avoid consistent grammatical errors and don’t just rely on spell check
6.  Avoid rhetorical questions


1.  Omitting the relevance of your essay.  Leave the reader with a big or important idea that comes out of your essay.  Should be something new but not a whole new argument.


1.  Statistics that were not cited.
2.  Direct quotes that were not cited.
3.  Bogging down fluency by writing out the entire source rather than using MLA citation format.


1.  Excluding sources used in the essay.

Monday, December 15, 2014


Your task is to:

1.  Review the scoring guide and the comments I made on your Immigration essay.
2.  Write down those comments.  If the comments are repetitive, then of course write down the general point.  Write down these comments on a separate piece of paper.
3.  Bring your essay and your written comment sheet to class on Tuesday/Wednesday.  You will not be able to begin revisions until you show me that you have accomplished these steps.

Friday, December 12, 2014


Watch the film, Cry Freedom, and take notes on the following:

1.  Beliefs, views, and values of Steven Biko and Donald Woods.
2.  Actions Biko and Woods have taken to challenge apartheid.
3.  Living conditions under the apartheid system.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Research ideas and proposals for changes in law enforcement and the justice system that address the issue of excessive/lethal force by police departments.

We will use a modified digital note format.  You are required to cut and paste essential information and note direct quotes as well as citation of sources.

Key search terms "Reforms in Police Department"

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Read the Rivonia Trial Speech and answer the questions on Student Handout #17.


Read an article about the controversy in Ferguson Missouri. Be prepared to share the key ideas from the article.  Bring in article or cite article.  Summary is optional but if  you do it you get extra credit.


Fill out student handout #9 using information from Laws of South Africa #8.  Be sure not only to identify the law that is violated and why that law is violated.   You will not get full credit unless you have complete answers.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Turn in the following simulation materials:

1. Answers to 6 questions from "Presentation for Colonial Governor."
2.  Notes on final requests from the Lagunese.
3.  Debriefing questions to evaluate the simulation.

Monday, November 24, 2014


1.  Read Student Handout #6 and highlight key arguments and evidence that supports the Afrikaner view justifying homelands/reserves for Africans in South Africa.
2  Read Student Handout #7 (front and back) for information that challenges the Afrikaner position.  Highlight key points and facts.
3.  Imagine you are a writer for the Johannesburg Tribune.  Write an editorial challenging the Afrikaner position presented in Student Handout #6.  Minimum of 3/4 page.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Read Chapter 10 from the textbook Africa.  Summarize the chapter using complete sentences.  To avoid rewriting the entire chapter, determine the main ideas are and the key information that develops those ideas.  You may use bullet points under headings that reflect those main ideas.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Independence Simulation

Due Wednesday, Nov.12/Thursday, Nov. 13

Preparation for simulation on independence from imperialist powers.  Read your assigned your carefully and staying in your role, answer the questions on the sheet entitled, "Presentation to Colonial Governor."  Please note that everyone answers questions 1-4.  When you get to the last two sets of questions, you need to determine, based on your role sheet, if you favor or oppose independence.  Then pick the last two questions based on your position.  If you did not receive your role, e-mail asap.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Reading and Questions on Imperialism

Due Nov. 6/7

In Modern World History  text, read pages 339-350.  On page 344, answer questions 1-5, 7 and 8.
On page 350, answer questions 1-6, 8.  Use complete sentences.

Please note that for both sets of questions, #1 includes several terms and names.

Analysis of Article: "Step One to Fighting Ebola.."

Due Oct. 28/29

Read article and answer the following questions using complete sentences:
1.  What does the author say is the reason for the spread of ebola in West Africa?  Explain his reasoning.
2.  What does the author say is the relationship between corruption and poverty?  Explain.
3.  Why is Rwanda a success story in the fight to stop ebola?
4.  What does the author say is the solution to the crisis?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Requirements for Turning in Persuasive Essay


Turn in the following with Final:

1.  Final essay with Works Cited Page
2.  2 rough drafts
3.  Peer Edit 
4.  Self Edit
5.  Graphic organizer
6.  Digital Notes


Read "Step One to Fighting Ebola....Corruption" and highlight and annotate the answers to the following questions:

1.  What does the author think is the cause of the ebola pandemic?  Why does he argue this to be true?
2.  What is the relationship between corruption and poverty?
3.  Why is Rwanda a success story?  Explain.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Persuasive/Argumentative Essay


You will be writing a persuasive essay in which you take a position on some aspect or aspects of U.S. immigration policy.  Use the list of research objectives on the blog to help you determine the focus of the essay.

Sometimes it is useful to examine a variety of critical questions to determine your focus and position.   These questions include:

1.  What is the most successful aspect of the U.S. immigration policy?
2.  What is the least successful aspect of the U.S. immigration policy?
3.  Should U.S. immigration policy be reformed?
4.  How is the U.S. economy affected by immigration policy?
5.  Does the U.S. immigration policy contribute to national security?
6.  Does the U.S. immigration policy violate the Declaration of Human Rights?
7.  To what extent are Mexico and Central America responsible for illegal immigration?

Timeline for Writing Process:

Oct.14/15 - Bring to class your thesis statement and be prepared to create, in class, a graphic organizer of possible arguments that support your thesis. Determine what other information you need to strengthen your arguments.

Oct.16/17 - Go to Lincoln Library to continue to do research.  If you are ready to begin a first draft, you can work on that.

Oct. 20 - Bring your first draft and works cited page to class for peer editing.

Oct.  27th - Final draft with works cited page is due.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Assignments and Activities for Modern World History

Homework Due Thursday/Friday

Read UN Declaration of Human Rights.  After reading all of the articles, choose 5 that you believe are the most important.  For each article, explain why you believe this makes your top 5 list.

In-class activity Thursday/Friday

Fill out the following chart for 2 of the human rights that you identified in your homework assignment.

Homework Due Monday, Sept. 8

Read "Children Crossing."  Answer the following questions in complete sentences and draw as much information from the reading as possible:

1.  Why are children leaving countries like Mexico and many other Central American nations in great numbers?
2.  Describe some aspects of their journey to the United States?
3.  How is the United States responding to this "surge" of immigrant children?
4.  What is the experience of these children if they make it across the border?
5.  What does the last paragraph tell you about Adrian's motivations for leaving Guatemala?

Research Activity on Human Rights- Sept. 9/10

Fill out worksheet in Library.

Due 9/18 and 9/20

NAFTA Simulation - Interior Monologue due Sept. 15

Write a 3/4-1 page interior monologue.  Use first person and incorporate responses to the following questions:

1.  Who are you and what is your background?  (Give your self a name if you like.)
2.  What is your life like?  What experiences have shaped you as a person?
3.  What do you think about the changes that have resulted from NAFTA?
4.  What are your hopes and fears about the future?

NAFTA Materials  Due on Tuesday(9/30)/Wednesday (10/1)

Put the simulation materials in the following order:

1.  interior monologue
2. answers to 5 questions from "u.s.-mexico NAFTA conference"
3.  negotiating session notes
4.  arguments on priority issues
5. notes on options for voting
6. follow-up questions

NAFTA Debate on Monday, October 6

We will be debating the statement:  NAFTA has benefited the United States and Mexico.  In order to prepare for the debate, complete your T-Chart in order to record as many pro and con arguments on the issue of NAFTA.  Finish reading the article "NAFTA:  Was It Worth It?"  Highlight pro an con arguments so you can record them on your T Chart.  Then add other arguments from our simulation and the handouts called "Rethinking the NAFTA Record."

Thursday/Wednesday (10/1, 10/2) - Library Research

 You will be writing a persuasive essay on the strengths and/or weaknesses of the United States  immigration policy.  Before you get instructions on the mechanics and organization of this essay, you  will be going to the library to do research on a variety of issues that relate to immigration.

Research Objectives

  1. Learn the key elements of U.S. immigration policy.
  2. Learn the reasons people from other countries emigrate to the United States, the numbers of people that are coming and the ways in which they come.
  3. Learn some of the changes that groups and politicians want to make to the immigration policy.
  4. Learn the impact of immigration on the United States and on the home countries of the immigrants.
  5. Learn the different points of view about the U.S. immigration policy.  
  6. Overall, gather enough information and ideas to allow you to take a position on the strengths and/or weaknesses of the U.S. immigration policy.

Research Process

  1. Use the same databases as we used for the Human Rights Research Project.  
  2. Record your research using the Digital Note-taking Method.
  3. Before you begin,  brainstorm a list of key words that will help you in your research.
  4. You will need a minimum of 4 sources.

Debate on NAFTA - October 7/8

You will only be able to participate in the debate if you have your thesis and 3 arguments (with evidence) in writing.

Immigration Research- Completed by October 13