Sunday, October 12, 2014

Persuasive/Argumentative Essay


You will be writing a persuasive essay in which you take a position on some aspect or aspects of U.S. immigration policy.  Use the list of research objectives on the blog to help you determine the focus of the essay.

Sometimes it is useful to examine a variety of critical questions to determine your focus and position.   These questions include:

1.  What is the most successful aspect of the U.S. immigration policy?
2.  What is the least successful aspect of the U.S. immigration policy?
3.  Should U.S. immigration policy be reformed?
4.  How is the U.S. economy affected by immigration policy?
5.  Does the U.S. immigration policy contribute to national security?
6.  Does the U.S. immigration policy violate the Declaration of Human Rights?
7.  To what extent are Mexico and Central America responsible for illegal immigration?

Timeline for Writing Process:

Oct.14/15 - Bring to class your thesis statement and be prepared to create, in class, a graphic organizer of possible arguments that support your thesis. Determine what other information you need to strengthen your arguments.

Oct.16/17 - Go to Lincoln Library to continue to do research.  If you are ready to begin a first draft, you can work on that.

Oct. 20 - Bring your first draft and works cited page to class for peer editing.

Oct.  27th - Final draft with works cited page is due.

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