Thursday, January 15, 2015


The final project for semester 1 is a group activity that is outlined in the handout distributed in class.  I want to emphasize some specific aspects from the handout:
1.  You will work in groups of 4 to develop a poster that explores a human rights issue and solutions to address that issue.
2.  You will be working on the activity over the next several days both at home and during class.  The following are due dates for each phase of the preparation and development of the poster:

*  1/15, 1/16 - In groups choose an issue and delegate research tasks to each member.  Submit to teacher your issue and delegation of task.
*  1/20, 1/21 - Come to class with research completed to share with group.  Determine what other research needs to be done.
*  1/22,1/23 - Finalize content and layout of poster
*  Day of final - Create poster and present to class

Grading requirements:

1.  Individual grade based on relevant, fact-based research and constructive contributions in the planning and creative process.
2.  Group grade base on complete coverage of research requirements, appeal and aesthetics of poster and quality of presentation.

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